
October 19, 2023

White Teeth Aren’t Everything

White Teeth

In a world with Instagram filters and AI photos, it’s no wonder that so many patients are seeking to have white teeth. But before investing in whitening products, you need to consider the health of your mouth. Ask any dental professional; the number one question we get is how to whiten teeth. Recently, while on a trip with a group of dental friends, we got to chatting with a stranger. When she discovered we were in the dental field, she immediately asked us about the best way to whiten her teeth. My dentist friend asked her when her last dental exam was. She admitted it had been years. We could all diagnose cavities and gum disease after only a minute of talking with her, and yet she was only concerned about white teeth.

White Teeth with Bad Breath

No matter the brightness of your smile, bad breath can have people politely exiting conversations. People with gum disease have a specific odor to their breath, one we dental professionals call “perio breath.” We can identify it the moment we walk into a room. With almost 50% of the population 30 and older having some form of gum disease, we smell it a lot. And if you have it, you might not even notice it.

Talk to your dental team about the health of your gums. Remember—healthy gums don’t bleed! Think about your periodontal health like you do the foundation of a house (it’s where your teeth live). You can have a gorgeous home, but if it’s on a cliff about fall into the water, you might need to call an engineer.

It’s OK to want white teeth

As for those white teeth that everyone’s after … once you’re confident that you have a healthy mouth, talk to your dental team about what products and treatments they recommend. There are in-office treatments, home treatments, and a combination of the two. Of course, good home care will help eliminate surface stains, and avoiding staining food and drinks helps too.


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