
April 15, 2024

Food To Eat For Healthy Teeth


Your mouth is more than just a tool for eating and speaking. It’s also a window to your overall health and well-being. Your oral health can affect your mood, your confidence, your appearance, and your quality of life. That’s why it’s important to take good care of your teeth and gums, and to avoid dental problems that can be painful and costly. But how do you do that? How do you keep your mouth healthy and happy, without breaking the bank or relying on harsh chemicals? Food is not only a source of nourishment and pleasure, but also a powerful ally for your oral health. Food can help you prevent and heal cavities, balance the pH in your mouth, strengthen your enamel, and nourish your gums. Food can also help you fight off harmful bacteria and plaque, and stimulate your saliva, which is your mouth’s natural cleanser and healer.

Cheese: A Natural Cavity Fighter

One of the foods that has been shown to have a beneficial effect on teeth is cheese. Cheese is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and casein, which are all important for strengthening the enamel and remineralizing the teeth. Cheese also helps to neutralize the acids in the mouth, which can erode the enamel and cause cavities.

Several studies have demonstrated the anti-cavity effect of cheese. For example, a study in Denmark gave small pieces of cheese to children before they went to school each morning after breakfast. The children who ate cheese had significantly fewer cavities than the children who did not. Another study gave children either cheddar cheese, milk, or sugar-free yogurt after a sugary snack. The children who ate cheese had the lowest acid levels in their mouth, followed by those who drank milk. The children who ate yogurt had the highest acid levels, which increased their risk of cavities.

More Tooth-Protective Food and Drinks

Cheese is not the only food that can help you heal your teeth. There are other foods that can also prevent acidity, decay, and demineralization of the teeth. Some of these foods are:


Avocado is a healthy fat that can help balance the pH in the mouth and prevent bacterial growth. Avocados also contain vitamin K, which is essential for bone and tooth health.


Celery is a crunchy vegetable that can act as a natural toothbrush, scraping away food particles and plaque from the teeth. Celery also stimulates saliva production, which helps to wash away bacteria and remineralize the teeth.


Apples are another crunchy fruit that can clean the teeth and stimulate saliva. Apples also contain malic acid, which can help whiten the teeth and remove stains. However, apples are also acidic and contain natural sugars, so you should rinse your mouth with water after eating them.


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