
July 11, 2022

Common Dental Issues In Children

Dental Issues

Understanding common paediatric dental issues and why they occur will assist your child in preventing them

We all want our children to have beautiful and healthy smiles (the Tooth Mouse included), but sometimes cavities, chipped teeth, and other dental issues can cause dental problems that require a trip to the dentist.

Many of the dental issues that affect children are the same as those that affect adults, but your child’s teeth are still forming, and they are softer than their permanent counterparts. Untreated dental diseases can result in poor and mismatched tooth development, which can lead to more significant issues as a child develops.

Here are the most frequent dental disorders in children, as well as tips on how to avoid them.


Without supervision, most young children are incapable of cleaning and flossing their teeth. Cavities can become a serious concern when combined with the fact that some children may have a sugar-heavy diet. The acid in plaque essentially eats away at the enamel, eventually eroding the tooth. Children should be supervised and assisted in brushing their teeth until they can grasp and manage a toothbrush on their own. Ensure that your children remove plaque, bacteria, and food particles from their teeth on a daily basis to help avoid early tooth decay. If a cavity does form, the standard treatment is a tooth filling, which entails drilling away the decay and filling the hole with a strong composite material.

Big teeth emergencies

A dental-related injury might occur when a child is playing sports or falling while riding a bicycle or climbing a tree. These mishaps can cause teeth to chip, break, or crack. In more severe cases, a permanent tooth may be totally knocked out.

If your child’s permanent tooth falls out, contact the dentist right once to schedule an emergency appointment to collect the tooth. Put the tooth in a glass of milk, saline solution, or clean water to soak. The dentist may be able to re-insert the permanent tooth into the socket, allowing it to reconnect with the aid of a retainer.

Gingivitis and gum disease

Gingivitis and gum disease can affect children and are actually quite common in paediatric dental patients. Gingivitis is the forerunner to gum disease, and it is frequently characterised by red, swollen gums and minor bleeding when your child brushes or flosses.

Gum disease is more aggressive in youngsters who do not practice good oral hygiene.


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