
November 7, 2022

Wondering Why You Have Yellow Teeth?

Yellow Teeth

Do you try to hide your smile due to your yellow teeth?

If so, you should figure out why this is happening rather than keeping your mouth shut! All of us desire teeth that shine bright and white, but we also tend to neglect our nighttime oral hygiene routine, eat sugary and acidic foods whenever we can, and smoke cigarettes without hesitation. Well, sorry to tell you, these are just the causes of yellow teeth you should be careful about. Not only yellow teeth, but also gum diseases, bad breath, tooth decay, inflammation, and teeth discolouration are all risks increased by these habits and other oral health blunders. Here are some major causes of yellow teeth.

Plaque buildup

Plaque buildup is likely if you practise poor dental hygiene and don’t frequently brush, floss, or rinse your mouth. Bacteria in plaque can erode tooth enamel and cause cavities. However, bigger issues develop if plaque is allowed to remain on your teeth and turns into tartar. Tartar is a hard yellowish crust, often known as calculus, that develops both below and above the gum line. It may be avoided by following proper oral hygiene.

Tea and coffee

Daily consumption of highly coloured beverages such as tea, coffee, carbonated sodas, wines, and even green tea can stain your teeth. These substances might even cause long term teeth discoloration if they penetrate the enamel. Try to restrict the amount of these drinks you consume, and if you do, make sure to rinse your mouth out thoroughly with water. Brush your teeth twice daily as well.

Sugary and starchy foods

Along with beverages, some foods, such as apples, potatoes, pasta, berries, tomatoes, etc., can stick to the teeth and leave behind stains that can turn the teeth yellow, brown, green, or orange. Even salads with vinegar dressing have the potential to leave stains. Reduce your intake of these foods or other extremely acidic foods and beverages to prevent it and protect your enamel.


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