
March 22, 2022

Why Visiting Your Dentist Is Important For Your Overall Health

Overall Health

When it comes to common adages, it’s hard to know what to trust and what to neglect. – Overall Health

Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Do you need to visit a chiropractor every year if you work a desk job, even if you feel no pain? Or is that a business tactic designed to make you feel obligated to spend money?

When it comes to visiting the dentist and how frequently, many people have a lot of questions about what is necessary and why it’s necessary. The following will explore a few vital details regarding the connection between dental care and your overall health in order to help you understand why visiting the dentist is so important for your health.

Everything Is Connected

Slowly, the old medical view is dying out, and a new one that understands the interconnectedness of the body is taking its place. The philosophy of holistic dentistry is discussed at www.boutiquedental.co.nz and the term holistic, quite simply, (despite any preconceived notions you have about it) refers to the idea that most things are part of larger systems. A holistic approach to your oral health involves understanding that your oral health is intrinsically linked with other elements of your health, so much so that you can study your oral health and be informed about the rest of your health. Likewise, problems in your dental health can influence other areas of your body.

Gum Disease Is Inflammation

Inflammation is a bodily response that, if chronic, can play a role in many of the scarier chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and asthma. Symptoms of inflammation include pain, heat, redness, swelling, and immobility. Gum disease is a type of inflammation and should be treated with as much attention as chronic inflammation in other parts of your body.

Gum Disease Is Linked To Heart Disease

It might seem counterintuitive, but gum disease is strongly linked to heart disease. If your body struggles to deal with the burden of inflammation, whether that inflammation is caused by the common American diet or from gum disease, you might experience the negative repercussions outside your mouth. A Harvard study even found that people who have gum disease are two to three times more likely to suffer a stroke, heart attack, or other serious cardiovascular events.

Pregnancy And Birth Considerations

Periodontitis, which is a severe form of gum disease, has been connected with premature births and lower birth rates. If you are considering conceiving or trying, it’s a good idea to visit the dentist beforehand to deal with any potential issues that are found.


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